Monday, November 30, 2015

Thanksgiving with Images

To edit all of my images, I used Adobe Photoshop. For the first image, I brought down the brightness and turned up the contrast. Then I made the hue a little, but not noticeably, greener. I also dialed up the saturation and dialed back the lightness of the image. For the second picture, I brought the brightness down only slightly and turned up the contrast. I left the hue alone, because if I had changed it too much, the pumpkin would have been blue or green or purple. I also played with the saturation, bringing it up a little. I darkened the image. For the third image, I turned the brightness down and increased the contrast a lot. I made the hue slightly greener and saturated the image a lot. Then I darkened the image a bit. For the fourth image, I brought down the brightness and increased the contrast considerably. I didn't touch the hue but turned up the saturation a little bit. I then darkened the image using the lightness controls.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

W3 Schools HTML Quiz

I took the W3 Schools HTML quiz. I scored a 20 out of 25, which is an 80%. I took 4 minutes and 9 seconds to complete the quiz. I guessed on numerous questions, so the results aren't necessarily accurate to what I know. I got the questions about the correct HTML for making a drop-down list, a text area, inserting an image, <iframe>, and HTML comments. Those are things I still need to learn, along with inserting background images and colors.

Friday, November 13, 2015

HTML Tags I've Learned So Far

  • <html></html> defines an HTML document, goes at the beginning and end of each document
  • <head></head> defines a document's information
  • <title></title> defines a document's title
  • <body></body> defines the document's main parts
  • <h1></h1> defines a heading (can go through to h8)
  • <p></p> defines the beginning and end of a paragraph
  • <br></br> defines a line break
  • <p align=right> designates that the text will be aligned to the right
  • <p align=center> designates that the text will be aligned in the center
  • <em></em> shows emphasis, usually translated into italics
  • <strong></strong> shows strong emphasis, usually translated into bold text
  • <cite></cite> used for book titles, etc., usually italics
  • <b></b> designates bold text
  • <i></i> designates italicized text

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Intro to HTML

I used a W3 Schools tutorial to ease into HTML. Then I used Notepad to write my own code before using Internet Explorer to run my program.

I want to know more about HTML, more tags and how they work, and how they come together to form an entire webpage, with colors and fonts and images and nice layouts.